Table of Contents

Stripe Integration for Event-Ticketing

Niko Gallas Updated by Niko Gallas

With our Stripe integration you can easily sell tickets via Sweap.

To use the Stripe integration, please contact our Sales department or your Customer Success Manager.

Below you will find some helpful information to understand how selling your tickets via Sweap with Stripe works.

As already mentioned, you need our Stripe integration to offer paid tickets via Sweap. The checkout is carried out via a link generated by Stripe - your guest / ticket buyer is taken to the Stripe page by us so that the checkout can take place there.

As with all services, Stripe also offers different tariffs. For the integration between Sweap and Stripe, we use Stripe Connect with standard accounts. To be able to use Stripe Connect with Sweap, you will receive an invitation link from us.

You can use this link to create a Stripe account if you don't already have one. The newly created account will then be directly connected to our Stripe Connect account.

If you already have a Stripe account, our link will connect your existing account to our account on the Stripe Connect platform.

As soon as you have access to your account, you can start setting up the basics. To be able to use Stripe via Sweap, you only need to make a few settings. We'll show you what these settings are.

VAT / tax rates

First you need to think about how the VAT for your tickets is handled with Stripe, there are 3 ways to do this:

  • Fixed tax rate, fixed, e.g. 19% for Germany
  • Several fixed VAT rates, e.g. for different countries
  • Stripe Tax, automatically recognizes the correct tax rate thanks to precise location recognition (additional fees)

To manage your tax rates manually and create one or more fixed tax rates, call up the "More +" item via the menu on the left, then click on "Product catalog". You will then find the "Tax rates" section in the top sub-menu. Tax rates should be created as "inclusive", as ticket sales are usually gross (including tax).

tax rates in stripe

If you want to use Stripe Tax, you can also activate the function in this area.

If you decide to use fixed tax rates, please send us the tax rate IDs associated with your tax rates - these are necessary to add the relevant tax to the tickets you create in Sweap so that the calculation of your ticket prices is also recorded correctly for tax purposes.

Promo Codes / Coupons

Promo codes can be used to give discounts on your ticket prices, similar to vouchers and discount codes. To set up the Stripe integration, we need to know whether you want to use promo codes.

In addition to creating your tax rates, you should therefore decide at the beginning whether you want to offer / use promo codes.

When creating promo codes, you will find, among other things, a function that technically allows you to apply promo codes to "specific" products - please note that this function is not available for selling tickets via Sweap, as you will maintain your tickets (products) directly in Sweap and not via Stripe.

To create your promo codes, go to "More +" in the menu on the left, then click on "Product catalogue". You will then find the "Coupons" section in the top sub-menu.

Remaining setup

You have already completed the necessary steps for our technical setup by setting up your VAT rates and any promo codes.

We can now start setting up the integration so that you can quickly sell your first tickets with Sweap. During the initial setup, it is also possible to activate Stripe in test mode for you so that test payments can be made.

We also recommend that you check other settings in your Stripe account and adjust them if necessary. These include

  • payment methods
    We have already stored / activated payment methods by default, but we still recommend checking them. Please note that PayPal is unfortunately not available with Stripe Connect.
  • Settings for the invoice
    Determine how your invoice will be issued (content).
  • Branding
    You can find this item with the business settings and use it to define the look of your Stripe integration.
  • Emails und email settings
  • Custom Domain (if requested)
  • Text information

Below you will find a few useful links:

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