Sweap set up for admins
Account setting
Administrator's guide to setting up your account
General account settings
Enable AI Feature
The event tags - creation and usage
Create guest fields for your account
Adding deletion rules to automatically delete guest data
Set up templates
User roles and permissions
Permission sets - Default user roles in Sweap
Permissions and configuration of default permission sets
User permissions and their functions in Sweap
Setting up new users
Use single sign-on
Roles and permissions
Visibility groups
Event-Ticketing - e-payment with Sweap
API and publishing package function
Implementing the event overview page within your website
Implementing the event overview page in an IHK24 website
Use Sweap's Zapier integration
Import of distributors with EVA
Import groups and committees from EVA master data
Sweap app and devices for check-in
Set up domain and email address
Getting started with Sweap - Basics
Event overview and dashboard
Basic structure of the event overview
The action field and its functions
The calendar view for your events
The event dashboard - overview
Event Sustainability Widget
Basic functions
Event formats in Sweap
What are event series?
Single event creation with Sweap
Create event series in Sweap
Create sessions for your event series
Using time zones in Sweap
Duplicate an event to use it as a template
The preview mode for creating emails or webpages
Using the correct image sizes
Create text with the HTML-Editor
AI feature in use in HTML editor
Use placeholders in Sweap
Customize headlines and text with HTML
Linking emails and websites in Sweap
Legal notice and privacy policy
Support and data protection at Sweap
GDPR-compliant consent management and cookie banners
Data tracking with Sweap
Privacy policy and GDPR
Questions about security & data protection
Sweap AI - Questions about security & data protection
Increasing security - introduction of Keycloak
Session limits - session limitation
Send your feedback about Sweap
Personal settings
Search and filter functions
The search function in Sweap
Using the filter function in Sweap
Last Update and Last Reply of your guests
Best practice, online webinars and updates
Create and manage contacts and guests
Create, import and export guest information
Add guests to your list
The guest import with Excel
Edit guest information and change the status manually
Export your guestlist
Create and manage contacts
Add companions
Manage attributes for guests and divisions
Postal mail invitation and QR code
Setting up and sending emails
Setting up and configuring emails
The email types and their use
Create mails more efficient with using the duplicating function
Testing emails in the editor: Here's how it works
Individual salutation
The guest salutation
Create guest salutation with our salutation assistent
Use your own salutation form in your emails
Dynamic email builder
Dynamic email builder: Create emails
Guest-Links and Token: Efficient Event Communication
Configure emails using a dynamic modular system
Design your email - Content
Design your email - Rows
Design your e-mail - General
Email wizard
The different types of email templates
The Email template LA LUNA
Static email wizard: creating emails
Configure emails - set up an invitation email
Call to Action Button withinin emails
Insert links for virtual events into emails
Insert stock photos into emails
Font types in emails
Troubleshooting for emails
Opt-In states and bounces
Reduce spam probability of emails
Display images correctly in my email
Delivery notification and bounces in the email log
Basics for the successful delivery of emails
Tracking email opening rates
Important information about blocked email addresses - status "mailjet: preblocked
Sending out emails
Registration pages & Virtual event platform pages
Registration page basics
Creating a registration page - basic steps
Metadata and SEO for registration pages
Deactivate event pages (URL link tracking)
Registration page - using the Website Builder
Registration page - using the websitze wizard
Templates for your webpage
Contents and modules of a registration page
Texts, colours and design for the registration page
Settings to close the registration page - Website Wizard
Registration options settings within the Website Wizard
CSS & Java Scripts for website customisation
Header and footer within a website
Publish events on your own website
Font types in websites
Setting up the registration form
Configuration of a registration form
Add a checkbox with URL to the registration form
Show and hide form fields
Enter accompanying persons (registration form)
Virtual Event Platform
Integrations and modules for the Virtual Event Platform
Operate and monitor events with Sweap
- All Categories
- Sweap set up for admins
- API and publishing package function
- Implementing the event overview page in an IHK24 website
Implementing the event overview page in an IHK24 website
by Matthias Heicke
Implementing the event overview page in an IHK24 website
The following procedure will show you how to implement your new event overview page into one of your IHK24 web pages. This article is to be seen in addition to our article on implementation. You can find it at: Implementation of the Event Overview Page (EAM) for the Publishing Package.
1. Open IHK24 and create HTML fragment
2. Enter HTML code (div container) into the HTML fragment
Also replace the account id (xxxxx...) with the identification key received from Sweap for the corresponding overview page. For testing purposes you can also keep xxxxx...xxxxx, in which case test events will be displayed.
<script src="https://commons.sweap.io/js/registration_page_overview/1.2/js/"></script>
sweap_addCss('sweap_main_css', 'https://commons.sweap.io/js/registration_page_overview/1.2/css/sweap-main.css');
sweap_addCss('sweap_brand_css', 'https://commons.sweap.io/js/registration_page_overview/1.2/css/sweap-ihk24-brand.css');
3. Create article and link HTML over the text.
"Can also be done differently, but in my opinion it is the simplest solution" Matthias Kaufmann, IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg.

4. If you want to have several event overviews (e.g. for different visibility groups), repeat steps 1-3 with the respective identification keys provided.
5. now let the GfI activate your changes.
6. Afterwards check the display.
If nothing is displayed in your browser, please test the display in another browser.
If nothing is displayed, then you can examine the web page with most browsers. To do this, proceed as follows:
Examine element by right clicking on the page. Usually you will find a Console tab. You then send the error message (usually shown in red) and the link of the item to GfI so that they can fix a possible error.
If something is displayed, then there should be an error in the script. In the preview in the CMS it will always be shown as soon as it is successfully set up.
7. Ready
This manual has been created with the kind support of IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, Matthias Kaufmann.