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Create text with the HTML-Editor

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

With the HTML editor it is possible to edit texts of emails and websites individually. Similar to Word, you can design your texts with the help of various function buttons.

Access to the HTML editor in Sweap

By default, you can access the HTML editor for each text element of your web page or email. Every setting that you make there is automatically implemented in the respective module. With the preview function you can test every change immediately.

TIPP: If you are not sure which action a certain button of the HTML editor performs, hold the mouse pointer over the respective icon to get a short explanation.

Functions and elements of the HTML editor

The following options are available to you:



Further Functions

  • Boldface
  • Italic
  • Underlined
  • Crossed out
  • Subscribed
  • Superscript
  • Text color
  • Background color
  • Font size

  • Remove formatting
  • Insert placeholder
  • left-justified
  • centered
  • right-justified
  • Search
  • Cutting
  • Copy
  • Insert
  • insert as plain text
  • Undo
  • Restore
  • Numbered list
  • List
  • Reduce indent
  • Increase indent

  • Hyperlink
  • Remove hyperlink
  • Display blocks
  • Source code
NOTE: In the past, there have been occasional display problems after inserting text from Word and other programs, so we have adapted our insert function. From now on you have two options for inserting texts.
If you regularly insert text into the HTML editor of Sweap, colors and fonts, images and tables are not copied. Other settings (italic, bold, underlined or linking) remain unchanged. 
If you choose to insert plain text, formatting such as links, bold, italics and underlined are not copied. Only plain text with line breaks is used.
ATTENTION:Please note that changing the text colour to "white" on a white background will cause the text to be displayed as "invisible".

Source Code and Placeholder (Token)

Based on the fact that most of the functions should already be familiar to you from other programs (e.g. Word), we will only go into detail about the function "source code" and placeholders (tokens).

Source Code

With the button Source Code you can switch the editor to HTML with one click. You will see all information in HTML format and can make changes (content and design) as well as complete the text content via HTML.

TIPP: HTML tags can also be used to design text outside the HTML editor. For example, headings can be adjusted using simple HTML codes. You can read more about this here.
Placeholder (Token)

Using the placeholder, certain event or guest information can be automatically integrated into the text. Each placeholder is linked to a corresponding content, such as the event name, the first or last name or attributes created in the event, such as the company. By inserting these placeholders, the associated information is recognised by the system and dynamically replaced with the corresponding content in your email or website.

Example of the placeholder "event name

NOTE: Placeholders can also be used without the token button! For this purpose, only the respective placeholder code must be stored in the text. This has the advantage that you can also use placeholders in headlines, for example. You can read more about this in the article The use of placeholders outside the HTML-Editor.

How did we do?

Using the correct image sizes

AI feature in use in HTML editor
