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Tracking email opening rates

Ingo Updated by Ingo

With the help of Sweap you can track the personal opening rates of your guests.

WARNUNG: However, please only activate this if you have the explicit consent of all invited guests to save their personal opening rates. 

The evaluation of the opening rate is available to you via our email log.

How can you activate email opening rate tracking for emails sent via Sweap?

You can activate email opening rate tracking for emails sent via Sweap directly in the email generator. To do this, open the last step of the email configuration, section Test and create email:

Within this step you can not only test and save your email, but also have the option to activate the tracking of your personal email opening rate by checking the box. 

In order to track the opening rate, an individualized invisible tracking pixel is built into the emails. Every time this email is opened, the tracking pixel is loaded and saved as an opening.

The opening rate is recorded in the email-log. Simply select the filter "Opened" and all guests who have opened an email will be displayed.



How did we do?

Basics for the successful delivery of emails

Important information about blocked email addresses - status "mailjet: preblocked
