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Setting up new users

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

In this article we will show you how to create additional users in your Sweap account. You can easily administer the users via your account, add new users, assign roles and permissiones, change users or deactivate/delete them.

As the administrator of a Sweap account, you are free to create new users with roles and correspondingly different permissions within the account settings at any time.

The administrator assigns the user name of the new user and enters an email address. It is also up to the admin to decide whether the user receives his password manually or can set it himself.

1. Creating a new user

The following explains how to create a new user in Sweap. If you have been assigned the appropriate administrative permission under roles, you can create new users. You can read more about roles and user rights here.  

With the option of deactivating/activating users, you can immediately withdraw their permissions. Simply open the corresponding user (by clicking on the user or on the pencil icon) and set or remove the checkmark for 'User Enabled'.
1.1 Create single sign-on user

If you use single sign-on for Sweap, you can decide whether you want to create a single sign-on user or a user who has to log in with separate login data for Sweap.

This is also done in the “Users & rights” area.

Click on “Create user”. By default, the option “Single sign-on” is activated here, which is used to create an SSO user. Now enter all the necessary data and then click on “Create”.

If you do not want to create an SSO user, use the “Username and password” option.

2. Activate visibility group

While creating a new user you also have the option tto assign the user to a visibility group.

As soon as a visibility group is assigned the created user can only see the events within the selected visibility group. Please note that you can also assigne users to multiple visibility groups.

Further information about visibility groups can be found in this article.

Visibility Group for user

How did we do?

User permissions and their functions in Sweap

Use single sign-on
