Table of Contents

Opt-In states and bounces

Ingo Updated by Ingo

The Sweap system allows you to manage the status of your guests' email addresses under "Email addresses". This is especially useful for the feedback and confirmation process. Here you can check whether there have been problems with the stored email addresses of your customers.

You will find access to the email address administration in your account.

The Opt-In Status

Opt-in refers to the option your guests have to confirm the receipt of emails. This status allows you to see for which guests email addresses are stored in the system and whether they have been validated by the respective guest.

The following four Opt-In options are available to you:

None has not yet created an opt-in status for the corresponding email address. With the Opt-In status, the email address has been created but has not yet been validated (pending confirmation from the guest whether emails may be sent to this address). The Double-Opt-In status describes that the status of the email address has been created and confirmed.

If an email address is in the status Unsubscribed, this means that the associated person no longer wishes to receive emails. This status corresponds to the blocked status in the guest list. Sweap recognizes this status and warns that if emails are to be sent to this email address, it must first be confirmed.

The Bounce Status

If an email cannot be delivered it is a bounce. A distinction is made between soft and hard bounce.

The system distinguishes between three different bounce statuses:

If the email was delivered successfully, the system describes this as a Kein Bounce.

A soft bounce is a temporary, short-term error. This can occur, for example, if the corresponding email inbox is full for a short time or if the server is not available for a short time.

A hard bounce is a permanent error. This can be the case if the email address does not exist or no longer exists, if the server does not exist or no longer exists or if the domain does not exist or no longer exists.

Change email address

To change an email address, click on the respective address to access the following overview, which allows you to change the email address and status.

Export/import address list


You can also export the list of email addresses. For example, to be able to use it as a "blacklist" for other purposes or systems. Simply click on the "Export" button and your entire list will be automatically generated as an Excel file.


It is also possible to import an existing Excel file. To do this, click on the Import button and select the desired Excel file or drag the file directly into the window. Just follow the instructions and hints, the data will be completed automatically.

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