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Growth licence: usagebased pricing model

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

Pricing at Sweap - based on registrations

In this article, we explain our pricing model, which is based on the number of your registrations / confirmations. This gives you the opportunity to find the right pricing model for you. Pay only as much as you use.

Our full licenses start at a price of 99.00 EUR per month - as a starter model among the licenses we offer our Growth license, which includes 500 registrations, 2 full users and many other features, such as email campaigns.

Our licenses include

  • Unlimited number of events
  • Choose between 500 to 10,000 registrations per year
  • Choose the desired number of users, starting from 2 users

You decide how high your contingent of available registrations is. You decide how many colleagues you want to work with in Sweap.

What is a registration / confirmation?

A confirmation of a guest is a spent registration. With a contingent of 500 registrations, for example, you can therefore generate 500 confirmations. You can of course invite a larger amount of guests - the size of your event's guest list does not matter to us. Please note that if you give your guests the option of registering for your event with companion(s), the confirmation of the accompanying person(s) will also be counted as a spent registration.

Display your available registrations in Sweap

In the lower left area of your overview page, you can see the number of your available registrations. In our example, 500 registrations are included. In this example, 8 out of 500 have already been spent.

Anzeige Registrierungen

You can create as many events as you want until you have reached the included number of registrations with your events.

Once the number of registrations is reached, you cannot create any further events.

Even if you have already used up your maximum number of registrations, we will of course not block your events for which the registration has already started. All guests can still register for these events, even if the number of registrations for another event exceeds your current maximum. This is what we call the fair use policy.

Your number of registrations can be expanded at any time. Just contact us to expand your license and get started with your next event.

Registrierungen aufgebraucht

To increase the number of users that you want to give access to your account, please also get in touch with us.

Your contribution to Event Sustainability

With every event registration through a paid Sweap account, our partner saves 5g of non-recyclable plastic from entering the oceans. You can find more information about our event sustainability initiative here.

More information about licences and pricing can be found here.

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