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Adding deletion rules to automatically delete guest data

Ingo Updated by Ingo

With the auto-delete rule feature, you can control when and which guest data of your event(s) should be deleted automatically.

What's the benefit?

By deleting specific data, you do not have to delete the entire event. You can still access selected data and statistics of the respective events. Furthermore, you can determine at which point in time (depending on the start or end date of the event) the automatic deletion should take place.

To create Auto-Delete Rules you go into your account settings and click on 'Advanced Settings'. In the are 'Auto-Delete Rules' you can set up your rule by clicking on the button '+ Create Auto-Delete Rule'.

Note: The automatic deletion rules function is only available in the Enterprise licence. You can find an overview of our licences here:
Note: To create an automatic deletion rule, set it as a standard rule and assign it to an event, you need the appropriate rights. If these are not available, please contact your administrator.

1. Settings for auto-delete rules

Excluded Default Fields

You can specify which data (default fields) should be excluded from deletion.

Excluded Fields

You can specify which data (beyond the default fields) should be excluded from deletion.

Retention period starts from

You decide whether the start or end date of the event should be used as the basis for calculating the deletion date.

Duration of the retention period (in days)

The duration of the retention period states how many days after the start or end date the data should be deleted.

Automatically archive event after execution

If you check this box, your event will be archived automatically after the rule is executed.

2. Set auto-delete rule to default rule

Once you have created a rule, you can set it as the default rule. Please note that you can only set one default rule at a time.

A rule that has been activated as the default rule cannot be deleted. If you want to delete your rule, you have to deactivate the default rule first.

3. Use auto-delete rule for your event

After you have created at least one rule, you can use it for your events.

If a rule has been set as the default rule beforehand, this rule will be stored when you create a new event. You can still select a different rule when creating the event or deactivate the use of a rule.

Use Auto-Delete Rule

To check or even change the activated auto-delete rule you can check the event settings.

Auto-Delete Rule

How did we do?

Create guest fields for your account
