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Using your own email addresses and website domains in Sweap

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

Sweap offers you the possibility to to create your own sender email addresses and website domains and to use them individually and appropriately for your events.

Please note that you can currently only create your own sender email addresses and website domains directly through Sweap.

Here you can find all information about creating a new webpage domain.

Here you find all information about setting up a new sender email address.

The selection from the available, created options is made for the website domain directly when creating an event and for the sender email address directly in the email configuration.

Selection of the webpage domain

You define the website domain as part of the first configuration step when creating a new event:

Go to your Sweap overview and click on '+ Create event'. The following template will open, within which you can select the desired website domain:

Webpage Domain settings

Selection of the sender email address

The selection of the sender email address takes place during the email configuration. After specifying the email type and the template, you select your sender email address in the following steps. You select the email address from the sender email addresses that are available for your account: 

Sender Email Address
Both functions must be ordered separately and are therefore only available once a paid license has been purchased. If you are interested in using them, please contact our support team.

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Creation of a new webpage domain
