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Call to Action Button withinin emails

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

In the following article we will show you how to fill a call-to-action area.

What is the call-to-action area?

Within your emails, you can create an area where you can place another button. This area is the "call-to-action area". By adding this additional area, you have the possibility to provide your guests with further information by clicking on a button. The call-to-action area is integrated as a separate area below the main area within your emails.

There are two ways to fill this area with content:

  • Place a URL directly. You do this by simply inserting the desired URL.
  • Upload a file. You do this by clicking on the pencil symbol, which opens the upload dialogue window, which allows you to upload a file.
E-Mail erstellen Call to Action

You can only implement one button in the call-to-action area - but if you want to make additional content available for download, you can use a simple trick here.

In this case, simply use the upload dialogue window, upload a file and do not save this process, but copy the URL that was created by the upload. You can now use this URL to place it as a hyperlink in your body texts - this way you have the possibility to make further documents available to your guests.

Datei Upload Dialogfenster

Further information about the usage of our HTML editor can be found here.

How did we do?

Configure emails - set up an invitation email

Insert links for virtual events into emails
