Add a checkbox with URL to the registration form

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

In the following article we will explain how you can add another field including a hyperlink to your registration form.

Such a field could be of interest if you would like to refer to further provisions and your guests should confirm that they are aware of them.

In our example, we have set up a field with a checkbox in which we refer to participation conditions and ask our guests to mark that these conditions have been agreed.

To implement such a function, you need a new field for the registration page, which you then configure accordingly.

First, go to the 'Registratio' section in Sweap and create a new registration page or edit an existing page. Now click on the button 'Edit Registration Form'. This will take you to the editing mode of your registration form.

In the editing mode of the form you have the possibility to add new fields to the already existing ones. To do so, click on the '+' sign in the left bar next to the active form fields.

Registration formular

In the following pop up click on 'Create a new field'. Another dialog window opens, in which you can enter the following information:

  • Name
    Enter the name of the field - this name will be displayed everywhere in the system to identify the field. Please use a short, meaningful name - you can change this name later on.
  • Type
    Select the type that your field should have. This will define, which content can be inserted, when a guest is created. You can choose between the following types:
    Text, Number, Yes/No Value, Date, Time
  • Group
    The group helps to keep the overview if you have many fields. Fields with the same group will be grouped together in forms. Either select an existing or insert a new one and finish with hitting 'enter'.
  • Visibility
    Here you can set, where the field will be visible: for guests and / or companions. Also you can select, if it will be visible, while checkin with using our checkin app.
  • Value Options
    You can insert value options which will be selectable, when a guest is edited. An empty text leads to a free form field.
With a double click you can set a limit how often the value is selectable.
Fieldtypes from new fields in registration form

To create the field we want, we set 'Condition to participate' as a the field name and select 'Yes/No value' as the field type.

Creating new field

After clicking on 'Create' the created field will be displayed in the selection of available fields and you can drag and drop it into the list of your form fields.

Use new field in form

After the field has been put to your form you can adjust it if neccessary. You can edit the field on the right - there you can adjust information about the fields.

Adopt new field in form

In our example, we want our guests to accept our terms and conditions. These can be found on our website, so we want to link to our website.

An HTML command can be used to implement a link in the 'Caption' field.

HTML Command: <a href="link-target">link-text</a>

  • 'link-target' = insert the URL you want to direct your guest to
  • 'link-text' = insert the text that shall be displayed - behind this text will your hyperlink be set

You can insert a text before or after the HTML command. Of course, you can also insert the HTML command into your text, so that a continuous text is created - we have used this variant for our example.

Our example:

Caption: I have read the <a href="">Condition to participate</a>.

Our URL ( is stored behind the text Condition to participate.

On our registration page, where our registration form is displayed, it woll look like this:

Registration form with checkbox hyperlink

How did we do?

Configuration of a registration form

Show and hide form fields
