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Metadata and SEO for registration pages

Oliver Edwards Updated by Oliver Edwards

In this article, we'll give you an overview of how to position your open registration page on search engines to make your event accessible to more people. If you are looking for more information on how to improve the ranking of your registration page, read the following article: Mastering Event SEO: Strategies to Boost Your Event’s Visibility

Search engines are only able to find and list open registration pages in Sweap. You can find out more in the section `Registration options settings´.

Optimise meta titles, descriptions and images

Your metadata is often the first thing potential participants see in the search results. You can create all relevant metadata in the settings for the registration options. You can find these in the edit mode of your registration page. Go to ‘Registration settings’ by clicking on the button with the small cogwheel symbol. Under ‘Information’ you will find the ‘SEO settings’.

SEO Settings
Meta Title

The meta title is the title of your registration page that is displayed in search engine results. It is crucial for the ranking of your page and should contain the main keyword (e.g. sustainability). The title should be clear and concise, and ideally no longer than 60 characters.

Meta Description

The meta description is a short description of your event that also appears in the search results. It gives the user an overview of the content of the event and should contain around 150-160 characters. It it important to use relevant keywords to increase the click-through rate (CTR).

Meta Image

The meta image (also known as the open graph or social share image) is the image that appears when the page is shared on social media. It should be visually appealing and match the general event design. The recommended image size is usually 1200 x 630 pixels in order to be optimally displayed on all platforms.

With the meta data, you have created the basis for ranking your registration page on Google and other search engines.

Ask Google to recrawl your URLs

If you have recently added or changed a registration page, you can ask Google to re-index the page using one of the methods listed here. In most cases, new content is automatically sent to search engines by the platform, but re-crawling can be useful for SEO-relevant changes.

You can find out how to do this in this article from Google.

Monitoring and analyzing SEO performance

Tracking tools allow you to track the SEO performance of your registration pages. Understanding what's working and where there's room for improvement helps to make your event SEO strategy effective.

You can link a tracking tool of your choice to a Sweap registration page, as long as the tool provides you with a code (<script>) to do so. You can find out where this code needs to be integrated from your tracking tool provider, but the code usually needs to be in the registration settings under ‘Custom Head HTML’.

HTML Settings

As soon as the code is integrated, you should see the first results in your tracking tool (the following image shows an example from Google Analytics) within 24 hours.

Google Analytics
GDPR-compliant integration of tracking tools such as Google Analytics
In order to integrate tracking tools in compliance with the GDPR, you must give the users of your registration page the option to switch off tracking. This only works via consent management tools, which are not included in Sweap. We have successfully tested Usercentrics in combination with Google Analytics on Sweap registration pages. Other combinations must be tested individually.

To find out more on implementing consent management and cookie banners on Sweap, go to "GDPR-compliant consent management and cookie banners".

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Registration options settings within the Website Builder
