User roles and permissions

Permission sets - Default user roles in Sweap

In Sweap you have default user roles (permission sets) with specific user rights that you can assign to your users. These default user roles are preconfigured by us and come with certain permissions.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther

Permissions and configuration of default permission sets

In this article you will learn what the default rights are for our user roles in Sweap.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther

User permissions and their functions in Sweap

In this article you will learn what's behind our user rights. We explain which function is hidden behind which setting.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther

Setting up new users

As administrator of a Sweap account, you can create new users with roles and different usage rights within the account settings.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther

Use single sign-on

Single sign-on (SSO) is a procedure with which a user logs in once and can then access several applications or services without having to log in again.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther

Roles and permissions

Define your own roles with individual usage rights. This gives you the possibility to provide your users with more or less rights.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther

Visibility groups

Visibility groups can be used, for example, to control departments or divisions and their users within an account.

Julia Walther
Updated by Julia Walther
