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The event tags - creation and usage

Ingo Updated by Ingo

With the help of tags, your events can be segmented - and for example filtered on your event overview page - according to specific areas of interest (tags).

1. Create external event tags

To be able to create tags, please log into your Sweap account and click on 'Account Settings', go to 'Advanced Settings'. You will find 'Event Tags' in the top menu bar. Here you can add as many individual tags as you like. Just click on the button '+Create Event Tag'.

Event tags
Selection and usage of the event tags

Once the tags have been created in the account, you can now tag your event. You can find this setting either when creating a new event or under the event settings. You will find the selection in the dropdown menu under 'tags'. Changes can be made at any time.

Event tags in event

Now just save the changes and the tags are attached to your event.

The Sweap event overview page with tags

Sweap offers you a suitable interface as well as a client that clearly lists your active and selected events. This can be easily integrated into your own website. Therefore, nothing stands in the way of publishing your events with the appropriate tags. The following image shows an example of the customisable event overview with tags.

Tags in event overview

Need more information about the event overview page? Click here!

2. Internal event tags

Sweap simplifies the process around the management of events enormously. So it's no wonder that you accumulate a number of events over time. To keep a good overview you can use internal event tags.

Create internal tags

First log in to your account. Select 'Account settings', go to the 'Advance Settings' area and go to 'Event tags' in the tob bar menu.

Click on '+ Create Event Tag' and select the option 'Interna'". This way you can organize your events internally, for example by assigning them to an event series or a presentation language.

Event tags for internal use
Manage events using internal tags

To sort events by tags, select the list view and sort or filter in the 'tags' column.

Filtern nach internen Veranstaltungstags

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