Table of Contents

Event status and the stages of your events

Julia Walther Updated by Julia Walther

In this article we explain how you can change the status of your events and thus manage them more easily. Furthermore, we would like to briefly show you what the individual event phases mean.

You can change the status of your event in the event settings or when sending an email:

1. Event status

1.1 Draft event

When you first create new event, your event will be automatically in draft mode. In draft mode you are creating your event campaign by depending on type of your event you use some of following Sweap features: 

  • Defining event name, date, location, duration etc.
  • Creating event website
  • Creating event invitation email
  • Loading guest list
  • etc.

You should use draft mode to build your campaign and to review it before sending out invitations or making it available for public.

Website and email banner

When your event is in draft mode your event website and email will have draft banner on top of the event and you will be limited to sending your email to maximum 10 people. So if you want to send it to your email provider you can send it to yourself or to your team to review it. 

Draft event widget

In your event dashboard there will be event status widget and it will indicate that your event is in draft mode, when the event starts and registration ends, and depending on your company structure you will have possibility to change event to active or to archive it.

If you don't  have the rights to change event status, but your event needs to be reviewed and approved by someone else in your company, your event status widget will look like this: 

1.2 Active event

After you review and put it into active, you can send out your emails to potential guests. Your email invitations and event website won't have any draft banners and you will not be limited to 10 guests.

1.3 Archived event

When your event finishes and you want to store it without actually deleting it, its best to archive it. You will still be able to access it but it wont cluster your dashboard of currently active events.

Event without subscription or credit 

If you don't  have a yearly licence or single credit to activate the event your event status widget will give you information about it and also you will be able to purchase  single licence for the event directly clicking on "Buy a licence" button.

2. Event Phase

The event phase is based on the state of the event (Draft, Active, Archive) and the date status (time slot) of the event. The date status is calculated as follows:

DRAFT ---> event not yet active.

ARCHIVED ---> event has been completed and marked as archived

The following statuses are calculated based on the event date as follows:

PREVIOUS ---> less than 7 days until event start ---> EventPhase.UPCOMING

RUNNING ---> event running ---> EventPhase.ONGOING

CLOSED ---> event over ---> EventPhase.OVER

REGISTRATION ---> everything else => EventPhase.PUBLISHED

Display in the list view:

Display in the tile view:

How did we do?

Postponing and cancellations of events
